sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2008

Crucell's Swiss Affiliate Berna Biotech to Cease All Animal Testing

(In Crucell Website, 3th October 2008)

Leiden, The Netherlands (September 26, 2008) - For several years the vaccine producer Berna Biotech a Swiss affiliate of Crucell N.V. has been working rigorously on the 3R program, which has a goal to Reduce, Refine and Replace all animal testing. The development of in-vitro alternatives as well as the strategic imperative of Berna Biotech to eliminate animal testing has resulted in the company announcing, that it will cease all animal testing and therefore close the animal house in Bern in 2008. Crucell's Swiss affiliate Berna Biotech whose goal is to fight infectious diseases and save lives by bringing innovation to global health has reached another important milestone in the production of modern vaccines.

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