quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008

Por favor, peça ao Governo Norueguês que proíba a criação e morte de animais pelo seu pêlo neste país

No seguimento da investigação chocante da Network for Animal Freedom (http://www.forbypels.no/english) feita em 100 quintas de peles norueguesas no passado Verão, Noruega está no centro da contestação mundial

Por favor, envie a mensagem abaixo sugerida (em inglês) – ou escreva a sua própria mensagem, se preferir – para a Embaixadora da Noruega em Portugal, através do emb.lisbon@mfa.no; Com Conhecimento (Cc) a campanhas@animal.org.pt.

Mensagem Sugerida

Dear Madam Ambassador,

I am contacting you regarding fur farming in Norway.

On Monday 10th November, video footage filmed during the summer of this year at Norwegian fur farms covering 20 per cent of the country’s farms was made public by the Network for Animal Freedom. Now it is being released in Portugal by the Portuguese animal rights organisation ANIMAL, which has partnered with the Norwegian organisation to expose such a violent and shocking reality.

The footage reveals several shortcomings in the treatment of animals. For example, a number of animals were suffering from serious injuries that had been left untreated. According to the investigators who shot the footage, and with such claims being backed by the very footage I have seen at
http://www.forbypels.no/english, violations of Norwegian animal protection laws were revealed at all farms that were filmed.

The animal neglect revealed by the footage shows a clear disregard for animal welfare and animal protection laws among Norwegian fur farmers, as much for environmental regulations and concerns. Under no circumstances are violations such as these acceptable and in no way can such an activity be deemed ethically acceptable.

The grounds for fur farming have long been questioned, mainly because of the welfare problems related to the conditions of animals at fur farms and because of their rights. In its current form, fur farming cannot meet even the basic behavioural needs of fur animals. The footage shows that Norwegian fur farms do not comply even with the minimum requirements of animal protection laws.

There are always serious animal welfare problems in fur farming. This has been understood in many countries, where fur farming in accordance with Norwegian standards has been prohibited by law. For example, in Great Britain, Croatia and Austria, fur farming has been banned. Many other countries are in the process of banning fur farming and even the Portuguese legislative authorities are being asked to make such a step. In several countries, fur farming legislation is considerably stricter than in Norway.

I urge the Norwegian Government and legislative bodies to make this decision, by protecting fur bearing animals from such a vile and totally unacceptable atrocity, which necessarily means banning fur farming in Norway. Such a measure would make Norway an even greater civilised country – a moral, social and political aim that is certainly wanted by the Norwegian authorities but which cannot actually be accomplished while fur farming – with all it represents and as it has now been exposed – is still lawful in your country.

Thanking you in anticipation for your attention,
Yours, very respectfully,

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